Saturday, April 24, 2010

"jeevan ki aapathapi main kab waqt mila ki kahin baith yah soch sakun ki jo kiya kaha mana kay galat kiya........(harivansh rai bacchan)

Dissatisfaction comes quite naturally to humans. They are some how always unhappy with the present status of life and wish for better tymes . It is this unsatisfaction that makes u grow, provokes you to work hard and achieve better things in life but are you actually happy when you achieve there targets? or the the more u come to top of the mountain the more u realise thr is no top. living life is a continuos struggle. You start by cramming the A B C correctly and then u are lured to work hard by sayin ""just this final xamz and u r done"" but does it ever end? from school u r passed to college and then to jobs n deadlines ...How often do u sit back and reflect over how much u have acheived over the years and take tym to compliment urself and acknowldege the ppl around you without whose help you wudnt have cum this far ???? Where is the struggle basically taking you and what was the motive of all the certificates that you have pocketed ??? how many of us actually get tym to introspect and retrospect??? "jeevan ki aapathapi main kab waqt mila ki kahin baith yah soch sakun ki jo kiya kaha mana kay galat kiya........(harivansh rai bacchan)

Wasn't all these meant to give u a healthy life and yet all these years you have had stress and tensions.... i completely agree to the fact tht a coal becomes a diamond only under pressure but how much pressure can one take ??? and does every coal become a peice of diamond??? wat of all those tht get destroyed in teh process? why in this race of life people tend to forget tht wat is slipping by is life itself ..... all those few moments of praise, appreciation, acknowledgement tht drove you to work for hrs; the addition of one more zero to ur salary or ur one day name in the newspaper..... does these few moments really make ur years of struggle worthwhile?????

all i can ask of every person is to jus take a few minutes off sit back and think ""its not wat u get in the end tht matters it wat goes by tht does.......

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why life is a 1000 peice jigsaw puzzle? All your life you have to keep arranging the peices one way or the other and for every two peice that fit in the third doesn't. You just cant create the picture you want even when its your life! There are peices which just wont fit into each other even when you want them to. If it was god's will i just dont understand why is it that there is a strong feeling to create a different art. You can write your own destiny, you can change everything you want just you need to have the determination, strength and perseverence and it does change. The peices try to fit in with each other but the more you try to get them closer the more they hurt each other. Another solution you have is to try to adjust into the picture which your loved ones create for you. The edges that you wish to remove from their life have somehow started hurting you. then whose life do you give more priority to?? If you give priority to them and their wishes would they in turn when their chance comes pick you and consider your wishes ?? or they would follow the moral one which they think everybody should follow to get eternal peace and happiness. The closer i come to understanding life the more i realise everything is ephemeral and the terms 'happiness' and 'peace' can be acheived by people in varied ways. They just dont stoop low to acheive it but even scale heights in search of it........alas! all in vain. The secret lies more in your heart than in the deep valleys and surface of the oceans. If you can command yourself you can control it. You can see and judje what situations make you happy or sad and strive towards being more happy..... but is it posible to be able to control wishes and lead a moral path? do you meet no resistance on the path ??? Does the struggle ever get over or is it a never ending tirade?? Why do you live?.... to fulfill the motive of your life........ but isnt it the materialistic motive you acheive by discharging your duties properly. Even when you wish to acheive feelings which are trancendental the task by which you have them are purely materialistic ...... The spiritual path goes thru the materialistic lanes when there are thousand things to distract you and divert you from their path .... as long as you are human you just cant stop feeling, even the slighest change of events make you ponder, brings out a reaction from you ......... being indifferent to them and continuing with your own path with undivided attention to acheive eternal happiness and peace..... DONT FEEL JUST WORK!! work for what is right and what is just ...... keep moving..........

but what if ur interest lies in just the opposite direction? what if u gain satisfaction by troubling others??? in doing odd jobs??if you are born upside down? if you were delivered that way ?? if you last that way ??? ........ then what ????